Legal Data
Click This Agency Ltd.
Head Office: Dr Franje Tuđmana 325, Kaštel Kambelovac, Croatia
Branch Office: Put Svetog Stipana 2, Borak, Omiš, Croatia | Trgovačka ul., 21255, Zadvarje
Company Director & Owner: Eva Piperevska
Executive Manager: Damir Siničić
M: 00385 95 5537 244
Working hours: Mon – Sun / 08:00 am – 06:00 pm
Registered at the Commercial Court in Split, 30.01.2024.,
ID Kod: HRSR.060480205
MBS: 060480205
OIB: 87658645875
Complaints and refund claims
In case you have a complaint, and refund claims, please contact your tour leader/guide or representative immediately.
- if your travel documentation is valid
- respect all customs and foreign exchange regulations of the destination country
- advise the Agency of any form of disability or impairment, as well as any dietary needs or medication you might take
- provide the document which confirms payment of service (voucher, bank receipt, or other received by e-mail)
- inquire whether you require a visa for Croatia, as well as neighboring countries if traveling through them
Court jurisdiction
The client has the right to judicial arbitration. The Client and the Agency will aim to settle possible lawsuits. If an agreement is not reached, it becomes subject to the Split Court’s jurisdiction, under the authority of the laws of the Republic of Croatia.
Read more in our Terms & Conditions